Written by: لوان جونسون
Narrated by: إدارة.كوم
Length: 0 Hr 17 Mins
Categories: Education
الفصل مسرح مصغر يضم جمهورًا صغير العدد، وطاقم تمثيل أصغر، ألا وهو أنت، فعندما تقف على خشبة المسرح لأول مرة، قد يبدو جمهورك الصغير كبيرًا، وكلما كان الضوء المسلط عليك أقوى، كلما أسرعت في أسر الانتباه. تكمن مسؤوليتك في قيادة طاقم التمثيل لتحقيق أهدافهم، ويتمثل دورهم في اتباع إرشاداتك. الطلاب خبراء في تقييم شخصيات معلميهم، وبعد أن يصل الطلاب إلى قرار بشأن شخصيتك، ستواجه صعوبة كبيرة في إقناعهم بتغيير نظرتهم، فأيًّا كانت الشخصية التي تختارها، يجب أن تكون طبيعية؛ لأنها الشخصية الوحيدة التي يمكنك الاحتفاظ بها على مدار العام الدراسي الكامل، ومدى الحياة.
LouAnne Johnson is a former U.S. Navy journalist, Marine Corps officer, high school teacher, and the author of The New York Times bestseller Dangerous Minds. A native of rural northwestern Pennsylvania, LouAnne served nine years on active military duty first as an enlisted journalist in the Navy and later as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Marine Corps where she earned awards for her work as a journalist and radio-tv broadcaster. While on active duty, LouAnne earned a B.S. in Psychology. Following her honorable discharge, she attended graduate school to earn a Master of Arts in teaching English. In 1989, LouAnne began teaching reading and writing to non-English speakers as an intern at a high school in California. Two years later, she was appointed department chair of a special program for at-risk teens. During the government evaluation of 10 similar pilot programs, LouAnne's group was rated first in academic achievement, increased self-esteem, and student retention. In 1992, she wrote a memoir My Posse Don’t Do Homework, about her experiences working with at-risk teens. The book was published in eight languages and was adapted for the 1995 box office hit “Dangerous Minds” starring Michelle Pfeiffer. Since then LouAnne has continued to teach. She has taught high school English, adult ESL and Developmental Reading and is presently a full-time professor of teacher education at Santa Fe Community College in New Mexico. LouAnne also continues to write. She is the author of seven nonfiction books, most recently Teaching Outside the Box: How to Grab Your Students by Their Brains. Muchacho, LouAnne's first novel, was published by Knopf in September 2009. The narrator of Muchacho, Eddie Corazon, is a 16-year-old juvenile delinquent and “secret reader” who attends an alternative high school in New Mexico. LouAnne has presented keynote addresses to the National School Boards Association, the American School Counselors Association, the National Staff Development Council, and the European Council of International Schools, among others. She has appeared on several TV shows, including Oprah, CBS Eye to Eye, and NBC Weekend Today. LouAnne maintains a website that has direct links to many of the topics she discusses during her presentations. www.louannejohnson.com