Written by: جون كوتر - دان كوهن
Narrated by: إدارة.كوم
Length: 0 Hr 15 Mins
Categories: Leadership and Management
إذا كنت قد حاولت في يوم ما أن تغير شيئًا، فإنك تدرك أن التغيير مسألة صعبة، فما هو المدخل الفعال الذي ستستخدمه لتوصيل رسالة تستطيع من خلالها تغيير سلوك الآخرين؟
Regarded by many as the authority on leadership and change, John P. Kotter is a New York Times best-selling author, award winning business and management thought leader, business entrepreneur, inspirational speaker and Harvard Professor. His ideas, books, speeches, and company, Kotter International, have helped mobilize people around the world to better lead organizations, and their own lives, in an era of increasingly rapid change.